Broker Model

Negotiations over any issue can be thorny and full of pitfalls, but negotiations over power and political influence seem particularly hazardous.

For this reason alone any organization who presents themselves as representing the PEOPLE has an overwhelming obligation to get this part right. Deal brokering in "smoke filled rooms" is wholly insufficient going forward in America's little experiment with self-governance.

Transparency and accountability are what is expected from here on, and we should settle for nothing less from this organization.

There's an App for that

Here again we find ourselves in luck, since examples of productive and transparent negotiation styles are ubiquitous in modern business literature. The most commonly referenced term for this is Win-Win negotiating, but it also goes by Quality Management, Stakeholder Value and many others.

Negotiation Levers  :   Each of these can be pulled on
Goal Stated goal going in
Alternatives Side issues to main goal
Expected Outcome Bounding conditions
Relationships Affinity ties to other blocs
Power Structure What must be moved
W/L Consequence What if analysis
Trades Other acceptable versions
Possible Solutions Road map to the goal

The point in all of these is to get to know the "must haves" and the "cannot accepts" of your partner as fast as possible and fully understand WHY that is. From there finding trades that are acceptable to each side are vastly improved.

Another trick / hack to better communication

comm hack

Core Knowledge

The organization should should posses a deep understanding of this process and provide the tools and guidance necessary for various factions to engage on their own. Offering up all of the power features of the organization such as endorsements, rankings, and public debates, in order to help facilitate the negotiations.

These trades should be made available for membership to review, and criticize with impunity if need be, so that a workable solution can be found that best furthers the overall goals of the organization. That is, to represent the PEOPLE in producing a better society.

Further Reading

Keeping all your cards close to the vest is not the same thing as negotiating from a position of strength.

A collaborative approach to negotiation strives to convert individual wants into a single problem, bringing both parties together to work on solving the problem. The theory stems from the notion that by converting individual positions, wants and desires into separated problems, the negotiators are able to free themselves of any jealously or personal attachment to their requirements, in order to take a more objective and equitable position to collaborate from.

-- Joint problem-solving